Port of Dover receives bronze level Investing in People award

Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Following its long association with Investors in People (IiP), the Port of Dover has for the first time received the prestigious Bronze level award for its business culture and practice.

In an extremely positive report from IiP, the Port was considered to be well placed to confidently go on to Silver and even Gold Standard success. The assessor also stated that the business should be confident about the future and the way it had responded to recent challenges.

Citing numerous examples of good practice across the whole organisation, the report highlighted the commercial corporate mindset, leadership, strong communication, recognition and development, an empowered and professional workforce and commitment to environmental management among the findings.

Bob Goldfield, Chief Executive, Port of Dover, said: "This is a fantastic achievement and reflects the commitment, drive, enthusiasm and care of a strong, dynamic and professional team at the Port of Dover."

The assessment was also particularly praising of the Port's corporate social responsibility work that reflected its position as a key player in the Dover economy, as an exemplar employer and as a creative business that supports its community in a variety of imaginative ways.

Mr Goldfield added: "Such a report clearly illustrates the lengths that we go to in order to be the best employer, the best community partner and the best team running the best port."

The report was completed following a thorough review during January and February of this year.

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