TradeMarq trade park joins Whitfield development

Wednesday, 20 September 2017
A new TradeMarq Trade Park is under construction as a wave of new investment brings new business to Whitfield. The development also includes a Subway which will have frontage on Honeywood Parkway. 

The 0.39ha site is allocated for employment use in Dover District Council’s Local Plan and was granted planning permission in August. The area is seeing increased investment, including a new 18,000 sq. ft. Lidl store currently under construction, and work underway on the new £26m Dover District Leisure Centre.

Occupiers for the new Trade Park include Eurocell Plastics PLC and Action Carpets. The development has been sold to a private pension fund is due for completion in March 2018. A separate planning application for a Lok ’n’ Store personal and business self-storage facility on the adjoining land is currently being considered by Dover District Council.

The TradeMarq development represents the second major investment in Dover by Kent-based Location 3 Properties, who also developed the Honeywood Retail Park which brought B&M Stores, Bensons for Beds, Pets at Home and KFC to Whitfield.

Colin Thacker, Managing Director of Location 3 Properties, said: "Following the success of our retail development at Whitfield, we’re delighted to be investing in new trade units for Dover."

Cllr Paul Watkins, Leader of Dover District Council, said: "Trade units are an important part of the business mix, helping local trades to keep more of their spending in the local economy. We’re delighted that Location 3 Properties and TradeMarq continue to see opportunities to invest in the district."

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