Your views count - Kearsney Parks

Thursday, 29 August 2013
An important survey has been launched to find out what people love about the three Kearsney Parks, and what could be improved for the future.

The Kearsney Parks - Kearsney Abbey, Russell Gardens and Bushy Ruff - are the most visited public parks in Dover District, and are steeped in local history. Dover District Council are keen to find out what people enjoy about the parks, what they know about them, what facilities they would like, and how we can make the parks even better for the future.
The information provided will help the council to determine how they invest in the facilities for the future, and will help to identify potential external funding opportunities. Completed surveys need to be with DDC by the end of September.

You can take part in the survey when you next visit the Kearsney Parks, or complete the survey online at or for more information, contact Community Engagement Officer Sarah Philpott on 01304 872446.

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