Housing Strategies For Dover District

Monday, 15 February 2010
As part of ongoing work to make sure the provide the right type of housing in the district, and continue to help improve existing housing, Dover District Council has developed three draft strategies - and your views are sought.

The draft Private Sector Housing Strategy 2010-2015 sets out Dover District Council's priorities over the next five years to secure improvements in the condition of existing housing across the district. Over 85% of housing in the district is in the private sector, either owner-occupied or privately rented.

The draft Older Persons Housing Strategy 2010-2015 sets out how the Council will work to meet the housing needs of older people. It deals with enabling new homes and improving the condition of existing homes. It also deals with providing a range of information and support services to enable older people to live independently.

The draft Affordable Housing Delivery Plan 2010-2015 sets out how DDC will help to deliver high quality affordable housing to meet the needs of all sections of the community, across the whole of the district. The need to provide more affordable homes was part of recent findings from a Strategic Housing Market Assessment.

DDC is consulting on these three drafts to support work on a new Housing Strategy 2010-2015, which will sit alongside the Council's Local Development Framework.

Copies of the three draft strategies can be seen at or at DDC offices. For more information, contact 01304 872223.

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