The Front Page. - Copy 275 ( Funnel clouds over Dover..more Olympics )

30 July 2012

Multiple Vortex over Dover.

You can just see in the picture left a very strange sky indeed. Yesterday around lunchtime for a brief few seconds I saw FOUR tornadic type vortexes just over the harbour. I ran for the camera, as one does, only to find upon return a mere few seconds later, that they had all but disappeared. The sky was very menacing but having watched the tails swirl about in true tornado style for no more than a few seconds they vanished..there was time for just the one photograph and here it is.

I watched for a considerable while after that hoping for their return, but nothing further developed. It was all over. I doubt if they touched the sea to become waterspouts but as I only caught their tail end, pardon the pun, I cannot be sure.

The question is ...did anyone else see them? Or amazingly...did anyone else get a photograph?
If you did and would like to share it with us pop it along to Paul at Also any expert opinions also welcome.
Many years ago I did see a waterspout out in the channel, so it can happen. But the ones yesterday were reasonably high.

See also the thread in our forum..more pictures just sent in from reader Rhian Potts. Many thanks Rhian.
Also more pix just in from Paul Holt of WCCP..many thanks Paul.


Olympics..the good news..

Yes indeed good news in that Team GB have made it onto the medal table. Two medals were won on sunday and in brilliant style too. We are all familiar with the chatty football parlance...or hmmm was it boxing.."the boy dun good", well this time the girls dun good as they joyfully won a silver in road race cycling and a bronze in the pool. Lizzie Armitstead got the silver in the cycling and Rachel Adlington got her bronze in the 400m freestyle swimming. They were overjoyed at their successes for the nation and so were the fans. Whoops of delight could be heard throughout the Olympic village. The medal tally is climbing slowly upwards since then but no Golds yet as we write.
Hold the frontpage!!...Awesome twosome! Team GB rowers win our first gold - Heather Stanning and Helen Glover.

After getting to grips with the mindboggingly huge expense involved in hosting the Olympics these days, we need a few good medal winners, and we are off to a fine start. But what is it about the Olympic games that has us watching sports we never normally watch? Swimming is not hugely televisual but here we are..gripped, mention the word Olympics and we are all agog with gushing excitement and ever glued to our TV screens. Unless of course we have actual tickets...but that's another story...

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