XXXVI. 6 April 1388

6 April 1388. 

This indenture wltnesseth that John Monin, Mayor of the Fort of Dover, and the Chamberlains of the said Port, in the name, and with the consent, of the whole Commonalty there, have granted and at fee farm have demised to Thomas Piers, and Isabella, his wife, one plot of vacant land lying within the Liberty of the Port of Dover in Nicholas Ward, between the land of Richard Magot to the north-east and north-west, and the sea cliff to the south-east, and the land of Peter Daunce to the south-west : to have and to hold the aforesaid plot of land with its appurtenances to the aforesaid Thomas and Isabella, the heirs and assigns of the said Thomas, for ever : they performing therefore all services and burdens annually due and by right accustomed : and paying annually therefore to the said Commonalty and their successors, in aid of the said town, dd, sterling of annual sent, at the Feast of the Nativity of S. John the Baptist : and if the aforesaid annual rent be in arrear beyond the term aforesaid, it may be lawful for the Mayor and his successors, by their Serjeants in the name of the said Com monalty, to distrain on the aforesaid land, and to take away and retain distresses until they shall be fully paid for all arrears of the rent aforesaid : and if the annual rent afore said shall be in arrear, in part or in whole, for one year and one day beyond the term before noted, then it may be lawful for the said Mayor and Commonalty, and their successors, to re-enter, re-seise, and retain for ever in its pristine estate the aforesaid land with its appurtenances, into whosesoever hands it shall come, without let or claim from the aforesaid Thomas and Isabella, or the heirs and assigns of the aforesaid Thomas : and the afore said Mayor and the whole Commonalty aforesaid and their successors, will for ever warrant the aforesaid land with its appurtenances to the aforesaid Thomas and Isabella, and the assigns of the said Thomas, in the form aforesaid, against all men. 

In witness whereof, as well the seal of the office of the Mayoralty as the seals of the aforesaid Thomas and Isabella are alternately affixed to the present indentures. 

Given at Dover on the sixth day of April, in the eleventh year of the reign of King Richard, the second after the conquest of England.
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