CXXVI. 9 March 1564

9 March 1564. 

Be it known unto all men by these presentes that I, John Henshaw, of Westminster, nere London, presentely captaine of one of the Quenes Majesties shippes cauled the Phenix, have made, constituted, deputed, and in my place sett and ordained my welbeloved in Christ, John Thomas, citizen of the citie of London, draper, my trewe, lawfull, and indubitate attorney, to aske, require, levy, recover, and receve for me, and in my name, and to my use, of Heughe Lott, of the towne of Hastinge, in the County of Sussex, the some of three poundes syx shillinges and eight pence law full money of Ingland, which he to me oweth and from me wrongfully deteyneth. Giving and graunting to my said attorney my full power, authoritie, in the premisses to plaint, arrest, sue, declare, impleade, imprison, cause to be condemned, and release the said Hughe Lott, recover and receave, and thereupon finally accorde and acquite acquit ances and other dyschardges for me and in my name, to compounde, seale, and deliver, attorney or attorneis, one or two under him to ordaine, sett, and substitute, and them againe at his pleasure to revoke and other in there places to put, and moreover to do, execute, performe, conclude, and finisshe all and similar suche thing and thinges which shalbe expedient and necessary concerning the premisses, as thoroughly, holy, and surely as I myself should do if I were there in my owne person present, and all y' ever my said attorney shall happen to do or cause to be don in, for, and about the same I promyse to allowe, ratifye, and establyshe, and thereto I bind me, my executors, and assignes, by these presents. 

In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my seale and hand ; and because the seale and hand of the abovesaid John Henshawe to all men is not knowen, we, therefore, Thomas Pepper, Maior of the toune and port of Dovor, in ye County of Kent, and ye Jurattes of the same, at yc special! instance and request of the said John Henshawe, the seale of office of Mayoraltye of the said toune to these presents we have caused to be putt, the ix day of March in the syxt yere of the rayn of our Soverayn Lady ^uene Elizabete. Anno 1563 [1564.] 
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