CXXIX. 9 October 1564

9 October 1564. 

Know all men by the presents that I, William Calle, of the parish of Westciiff, in the County of Kent, yeoman, am held anc firmly bound to Edward Exiing, of the Town and Port of Dover, in the county aforesaid, shipwright, for ^30 of good and lawful English money to be paid to the said Edward or his certain attorney, his heirs, executors, or assigns : for the true and faithful payment of which I firmly bind myself, my heirs, executors, and assigns by these presents, my seal being set hereunto. 

Dated the ninth day of October in the sixth year of the reign of our Lady Elizabeth, etc., in the year 1564. 

Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of William Burden, Mayor of Dover ; William Knight, Recorder of Dover. 

In dorso. 

The condicon of this obligacon is such that if the within named William Calle do well and trewly observe, fullfill, and kepe all and all manner of awardements, arbitrements, agrements, judegements, the which shalbe awarded, arbitrated, adjudged, and agreed uppon by Thomas Androwe, John Garret, Rowland Mycle, and Roger Grice, arbitrators indifferently elected and chosen betwene y*" said William Call and y^ w'" named Edward Exiing, of and for and upon all, and all manner of, accons, quarrelles, demandes, and stryffes, depending betwene y' said William Call and Edward Exiing, y'^ which on ye behalf of ye said William Call doe and be observed, performed, and kept, and be arbitrated, awarded, and agreed upon, on thissyde and before ye laste day of October now next coming after ye date within written, that then this p[rese]nte obligacon to be void and of none affect, or ells to stand and remaine in his full power, strenghe, effect, and vertue. 
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