XXVII. 1 October 1361

1 October 1361.

Know all, present and future, that we, Roger Neueman, Vicar of the Church of WestclifFe, and Valentine Gate, Chaplain, have given, granted, and, by this our present Charter, confirmed to Solomon Hollane and Alice, his wife, all those lands, tenements, and rents, with their suits of courts, fealties, reliefs, escheats, and their other rights, services, and appurtenances, which we lately had by the gift and grant of the same Solomon in the parishes of WestclifFe and Saint Margaret at Cliff at Solton, as is more fully contained in the Charter of the same Solomon made for 1.3 on that behalf : to have and hold all those lands, tenements, and rents afore said, with all the aforesaid services and appurtenances per taining to the said tenements, to the aforesaid Solomon and Alice, his wife, the heirs and assigns of the same Solomon, from the lord of that fee by the services due therefrom in perpetuity : and we, the said Roger and Valentine and our heirs, will warrant to the aforesaid Solomon and Alice, his wife, and the heirs and assigns of the same Solomon, all those lands, tenements, and rents aforesaid, with all their aforesaid rights, services, and other appurtenances against all men for ever. In testimony whereof we have appended our seals to these presents.

Given at WestclifFe the first day of October in the thirty-fifth year of the reign of King Edward, the third after the conquest of England.

Witnesses : Quickman de Bere ; Roger de Bere ; John Sayer ; John de Evebroke ; John de Bere ; Richard North binne ; John at Bakehouse ; John Copin ; Hamo Sawyer ; and others.
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