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     Neil Moors wrote:
    The NHS will be interesting to watch post election. For all we bang on about "they need us more than we need them", the truth is, we aren't exactly a golden investment opportunity apart from London property. However, the one thing that every country will want their hands on in any trade deal, is the NHS. That will be the harsh reality facing leavers in Labour heartlands when they realise that their irrational dislike of foreigners, turns in to a fully privatized NHS in just the same way as utilities and Rail are now, and parliamentary time given to things like fox hunting.

    This post sums up why the Tories are going to win a massive majority.

    If Labour supporters wish to woo voters they mustn't suggest they have an "irrational dislike of foreigners".

    It has been proven beyond doubt that throwing the racist card around just doesn't work. By your reckoning 52% of us dislike foreigners, good luck with that.

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