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    I think over the years ,together we did at least make Stagecoach , and the railways more accountable.
    You recall as soon as Collor was elected and his party in control , he disbanded the committee!

    MAny of these sub committees worked cross party without to many problems.

    Scrutiny as committees is always a great idea , but If I recall correctly it was Mr Watkins who overloaded the committee with his ruling party, this making the scrutiny less effective.

    It's a great idea to hAve these committees in place, but they need to be run by opposition parties.

    You will probably agree now your party is in opposition lol .

    The question remains out there of the cost and use of three councils , with today's financial issues for many people , all have to be staffed, on two of the council's with very high wages , together with a clerk plus all the staff and running costs .

    On the 18th May at the town council in Dover who wears a chain around the neck will be decided as well as lots of talks going on around this (in hearing your buddy Collor is throwing his h at in the ring, which will mean another four years of Labour , with it Labour Mayors.

    This is not that important, but will be interesting.

    I agree with Sue on Mr Cronk.

    The bus service has worsened, and doesn't look like it will improve, with car ownership to increase which will, with it cause issues .

    It's early doors at the mo,

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