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    Maybe one day both of the two major parties will recognise that no longer will they be taken for granted.

    I used to visit Llanelli South Wales on a regular basis , over the years they weighed the labour vote lol
    Tories didn't even bother to stand
    Labour cllrs were elected unopposed .

    But slowly over the years a couple of independents were elected , and labour were opposed in all the seats and they got to a stage of equal number of cllrs !!
    Purely because labour took the electorate for granted in its heartland

    People have switched off politics .

    Without doubt this lib dem result wasn't expected I suspect even by the lib Dems themselves .
    They tend to win then lose them at next general election .
    Lib Dems are also very good at not having any policies , or they do, but on the doorstep and more locally all the policies go out the window and they settle for local issues against there national party .

    I think it's time the main two parties woke up and smelt the coffee.

    With the ex Tory speaker of the house defecting to labour and saying Starmer a great leader says it all

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