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    I saw this letter hanging over a bar in a local pub yesterday and just thought you may like to read it.

    Dear valued customers.

    The chancellor has increased alcohol duty by 2% and as a result the price of drinks in our lovely pub will again increase by 10P.

    It concerns all good responsible pub operators that the Chacellor is using decent people who enjoy socialising in pubs as a cash cow.

    Although VAT was reduced from 17.5% to 15% on Dec 1st 2008 the Chancellor didn't want pub-goers to benefit because he increased duty by 8% to compensate, and that was on top of a whopping 9% duty increase in the March 2008 budget.

    By treating pub-goers as an endless source of revenue, this government is destroying an ancient British institution which is the envy of the world. Duty and VAT increases disproportionately penalise pubs, where people drink in a socially responsible and controlled environment.

    Most estimates see another 7.500 pubs in this country closing forever in the next two years. when a community loses its pub, it loses its soul.

    I'll leve it to a Frenchman, who sums up the situation wonderfully.

    "When you have lost your inns, drown your empty selves for you will have lost the last of England" Hillaire Belloc 1912.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    On the other page is a picture of a pint with a scale on it and it reads from the top down.

    The average price of a pint of bitter in Britain is £2.58.
    This is where the money goes.
    Duty. 45.75p
    VAT at 15% is 34p
    What the pub pays the PubCo. 121p
    Staff wages. 9p
    Rent,Rates. 23.5p
    Variable costs-utilities,insurances,laundry,depreciation. 12p
    Net profit before tax. 12.5p

    END of letter.

    Well what do you all think?


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