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    It's amusing how you can get from one place to another, let me explain,,,,,,,,,,,,

    My dad was an active trade unionist, labour member so I tried when I was young to avoid all that, I'v always had a belief in protecting animals, no more so than badgers.
    Being member of the East Kent Badgers protection league and the Dartmoor badgers protection league. and managing to get foxhunting banned on all council land in Kent.

    From this passion I asked all the political parties to stop badgers being gassed, The conservatives didn't agree with me,the lib dems gave me a very wishy washy answer and labour invited me in to a debate on badgers.

    thus my political career commenced.

    I still hold these same beliefs, but from these subjects I went far and wide in a political career over 25years which up until a month ago I thought I was retired from lol.

    But isn't it strange where such a passion can lead to.....

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