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    I have just heard that the Government was defeated on a vote to extend settlement rights to all Ghurkas. The Government opposed the LibDem Opposition day bill to extend these rights to all Ghurkas.

    A combination of Tories, LibDems and Labour rebels defeated the Government over this shameful episode. For once I believe a great deal of credit goes to Nick Clegg who was very good on this issue and it would be churlish not to recognise that.

    Brown is just stumbling along from one disaster to another, he just cant get anything right. After PMQ's today he was called by the speaker to make an annoucement, but he was straight up walking out of the Commons having forgotten his announcement and had to be intercepted and walk back to the dispatch box with much hilarity. It will be all over the tv news I expect.

    Anyway - good news for the Ghurkas If anyone deserves settlement rights in the UK they certainly do.

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