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    Chris/David(presuming you are both still in the same Indy party, as people keep swapping parties)
    You both know you are both talking twaddle(nice way of putting it)
    If the Indies ever controlled the town council they to would put forward an indy mayor and have indy chairs of each do't be hoodwinked by that one.
    At the end of the day theres 18 cllrs, of those 18 seats voted for and elected by the people of Dover, those 18 cllrs vote for who they want for mayor. Johns right when he says the majority vote rules(thats democracy isn't it?) or is Chris/David saying that even though theres a democratic vote and he has less votes he should still win the vote?
    what kind of democracy do the live in?

    Yur correct in your posting ref majority vote

    I don't know who your talking to, but i'm only a pleb in the labour party but iv just spoken to Gordon Cowan and he tells me there has been no talks on the 2009 mayor, and certainly no decision.
    Usually the labour group meets and will put forward a candidate, nowt wrong with that but that won't happen for a long time yet.
    As for who will be put forward by the LABOUR party they will decide when they have had there own meeting on it.

    I think realy this is a lot of hot air, when the outcome realy should be about who wins the most seats and who can run the town best for Dover.
    The people decide that fate and if David/Chris feel the indies party should run the town council then they should be out campaigning all the year round for this, certainly in priory area the indies have always been quiet and not seen.

    On the Issue of sport, thats an nteresting post, as your aware we have a very good club that has been running for some time up on your estate, sadly after inviting you many times we have never seen you!
    We do look forward to seeing your support for this club in the future.
    The club holds its next Fun bingo session this coming Tuesday at the Church hall Old folkestone Road, 7pm
    an event held every month.
    and the 2 footy teams at the sports centre on a friday evening
    and the coach trip to romford coming up soon.
    All in the interests of trying to help the community of Aycliffe.
    Of course its called the TOWN AND PIER ACTIVITIES CLUB

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