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    I think we will have to wait for the votes to be counted, though I suspect it will be a close call, with GP clinging on with a tiny majority possibly even in the tens or hundreds. I think a lot will depend on the erosion of votes for the two main players by the lib-dems and minor parties; though to be honest with Vic as their candidate we can discount them taking more than a few hundred votes off Charlie.

    I do not share the same antipathy towards Labour that Barry W does; though I too would like to see their wings clipped this time round, as they, like most government before them who have staggered into and through a third term, have lost the plot. Sadly for Barry and the Tories though I do not see David Cameron as either a Prime Minister or a statesman, for me he is too lightweight, comes across as totally insincere and condescending, but maybe that is what a working life in PR does for you.

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