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    Howard. Not at all. In 2005 we had a swing from Lab to Conservative that was very close to the swing in South Thanet, ours was just a little less and, I suspect, that was more to do with a certain local factor, DHB, which wont work against us this time and was nothing to do with GP. Indeed it may now well work against GP. The result was not far off the national swing either and was not so far off as it could be described as bucking the trend. Bucking the trend would have had us gain the seat or on the other hand a solid swing against.

    I do indeed detest Labour and want to see them utterly destroyed as a political force. They are guilty of ruining the economy of this country every single time they get into Government. I am totally at odds with their pc social values as well and while previous generations of Labour leadership, though misguided, at least had the interests of the country at heart. The present leadership certainly do not with their burnt earth economic policy they are only interested in retaining power or, as they know they are likely to lose, making the job more difficult for the Conservatives. One of my previous blogs explored this in more detail and contrasted Brown with Callaghan, Wilson, Atlee etc.

    I have no time for the Libdems but would prefer to see them develop into the main opposition party, but they have a knack of screwing up their opporunities as they have even less conviction than Labour.

    As for the Conservatives, I would not use the word 'love' but have been a member for 36 years and have read widely about the history of the Party. I understand the Party, approve of its values, appreciate its contribution to our country and agree with the overall thrust of current policy. I was enthusiastic about Mrs T, lukewarm to Heath and Major and am appreciative of Cameron. I am optimistic that 'appreciative' will turn to enthusiasm in Government.

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