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    Lets be clear, it can and should be challenged, as has been saifd, NIGEL and SUE are not even involved in the election.

    The officers from time to time will put forward what the feel is right for the council, and just before i left there were a number of instances where they attempted to silence cllrs, Its advice you can take or challenge, it looks like our 2 friends have bottled it.

    A good example of this shutting down cllrs was licensing (which roger will be aware of) where it go to the point where nearly no one could speak because of the restrictions in place.

    Who's best placed to represent the people in the ward than the locally elected cllr that lives there? but no you were supposed to declare an interest.
    But it was advice, and i continued to represent those that elected me to do so.

    This realy is such an important issue as we have elections now every 2 years which means councillors close down.

    I fully understand if comments are made purely for political gain, but not to represent your constituents for 4 weeks? who does represent them when you cant?

    This debate will go on

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