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    It matters that we keep the perspectives, though. The past holds some brilliant memories and some bloody awful ones! Some smells and music take me back to a time when I personally had no worries and the pain was all in the future. But at the same time bad things were happening around me of which, as a child, I was not aware. And the the bittersweet thing kicks in - the accumulation of pain-memories and pleasure-memories, the growing older thing. History is crammed with nasties - but the history books do not record the pleasure as well. Read A Lucky Child by Thomas Buergenthal - he was a child in Auschwitz, is now the American judge at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, and records near-perfectly and with humanity and humour (yes, humour) what survival as a child in those conditions means. I guarantee you will read it in a sitting - it took me less than a couple of hours. Fascinating and humbling.

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