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    Ireland was for quite a while riding high on the crest of an economic wave...all was sumptious and wonderful, with money and cash aplenty...but then as with many countries around the World, fell foul of the American financial crises..and now as a nation has gone officially into recession.

    A real case if ever there was one of boom and bust...and here you have it, and this is a scoop... nothing at all to do with Gordon Brown.

    However despite economic gloom and downturns, only this week the government in Ireland announced that it would categorically guaranteee all depositors money in Irish Banks. A brilliant move and a total re-assurance for all..small savers, big savers. The kind of economic security for savers needed here.

    TV pundits immediately asked our politicians here, why cant we do it here??...politicians went into headscratcher mode with that standard bewildered look and huffed and puffed.

    The upshot of this is that hundreds and maybe thousands of UK savers are now looking to transfer their savings from here to Irish all their money will be safely guaranteed. Radio 4 said that the amount of movement was so large it caused a tempoaray suspension.

    Isnt that a fairly dreadful position for the UK to be in..where the average Joe in the street has to transfer his cash to a foreign country to keep it safe.

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