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    Well, we are at war with ragheads Chris. No what was it we called those we were at war with in the 1940's? Perhaps some might think we should stop referring to them as Japs, Jerries, Nazis, Huns and so on - tough!

    We were at war then and in a cold war later, with those who wanted to control the thoughts and actions of those they ruled, they sent people to re-education camps for thought crime and children were encouraged to report their parents if they spoke out of turn. Then came the concentration camps or Siberian work camps.

    Today a former chief of the Security Services is reported saying that this Government is turning this country more and more into a police state.

    Yes, it is certtainly increasingly resembling in more ways than one Stalin's Russia. People sent for re-education because of thought crime or saying something unapproved by the political establishment, what is the next step?

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