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    Ah the Press..often painted as hated low life Dickensian snivellers yet sometimes much loved for the stories they bring us. They keep us safe in our beds by exposing wrongdoings on a grand scale. Yet once again they have had a finger wagging and ticking off from the judiciary.

    "But Judge..." gulped Fleeet St en masse.

    I speak of course of the Max Mosley episode. Our learned judge has decided that it was okay to have a sex orgy, but... should the sex orgy have involved Nazis then it would NOT have been okay, and would have been fair game for the media. Interject the Nazi phenomena into the late night sex episode and horror of horrors this would have been bad enough to warrant an expose. "No Nazis, no expose!" sayeth the judge, meaning an ordinary orgy is okay, an everyday occurence so "Press Keep -Off". No wonder the poor newspapers are confused. Okay this may be a simplification but that's roughly how it reads.

    Max Mosley is the son of Britiains leading Nazi of times past..Oswald Mosley.

    These figures in high places are rather too well protected now since this ruling. Dont we all want to know if our leading figures are having orgies or not..of course we do, even if they leave their jackboots out of the equasion. Despite these liberated times we still somehow cling on to the notion that our public figures should be better than we are. In fact we insist on it. Our biblical heritage still smoulders in our bones.

    There was a chap or two in the recent past who came a cropper bigtime due to similar expose's. One thinks of a well known TV sports anchor man, a household name at the time, twas some years back now, but who never really worked again on TV following similar shenanigans.

    So the appetite is there to know about such goings on, and when we find out about the sleaze we dont like it, and will punish the individual. We it seems want our public figures to be fairly squeeky clean. But who is going to keep this squeeky clean status quo if not our brother hacks.

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