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    I hope they work, Claire. I have slug problems in my garden also. just in a couple of places, and it's got worse since the neighbours put up a fence and blocked a couple of hedgehog runs.

    Another tip someone gave to me was to crush up egg shells and put them around the plants that are worst affected. It seems that the slimeys can't quite cope with the sharp edges. It certainly worked on some herbs I had in pots, as long as the leaves weren't hanging over the edges (slugs, and snails especially, can be surprisingly long when they stretch and distinctly gymnastic in their abilities!)

    I've just ask Simon to move all my work area around (which involved some very complicated unravelling of wires!). It feels a bit strange with things in different places, but I can feel the relief on my shoulder and neck already. For anyone with pain, I hope it eases soon, and without too many nasty injections.

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