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    Is what you have a form of RSI ?

    I had this from continuous working on my PC/Laptop - almost all day and every day and the pain was excrutiating, it was bad in both elbows and started on the wrist areas too.

    I know that not every one gets it and I didn't when I worked for Natwest on their computer operations for over 24 years.

    Sometime last year, I thought I'd have to have my arm cut off as it was just so painful, but on a visit to Curiosity of Dover, in Cannon Street, talking to Jenny, the owner, she was telling me that her husband wears two, one on each wrist and he has no elbow/wrist joint pain now at all.

    So I got one and within a day or two, magically the pain has gone and hasn't come back.

    Maybe they don't work for everyone, maybe your pain is caused through something different, but for elbow/wrist joint pain, they are the cure and only around £5 or so.

    I've no idea how they work, but they do - must be worth a try ?


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