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    I am sure the world at large is dying to catch up on the latest update on my near-crippled arm. There are thousands gathered outside Boland Towers awaiting this announcement.The media have gathered!! Yes some of you will remember me mentioning the near incapacity of my right arm recently. I simply just couldnt do this job at all, not without great difficulty. It all got much worse so that it was very difficult to use the arm at all. Eventually due to family pressure I went to a doctor who immediately sent me to the Clinic in Maison Dieu Rd for injections. Not instantly but appointments were made.

    Yesterday I endured the second of those injections (as the first one didnt produce the desired effect)...a long injection right into the hard bit at the back of the shoulder. I now await the outcome of this second effort. It seems the cortizone acts like a crystal which eventually disperses over a three day period and should in theory anyway bring the arm back into play or bring some more life back into it. Thats the theory. That was the plan with the first one but the theory didnt deliver.

    I met the lovely Jeanette Harper outside the clinic yesterday as I was leaving, she had nipped out for a smoke... and she said..."Hi Paul..Ive just typed up all your know you can only have three of those injections before they operate " aaaarrrgh thought I !!

    But the moral of the story is this. make sure you have a good setup if you are going to spend a long time at the computer. make sure you dont ignore it if you start to get real pain, firstly in your wrist then further up the arm. make sure you get it seen to much earlier than me.

    In the meantime Ive become quite good with my left arm. I can still play with my mouse all day now !

    Ive had good service from the NHS. I now wait to see if cortisone shot number two will work over the next period of time.

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