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    After a long hard look and plucking up the courage to do this again I had a look after the WCCP clean up on Tuesday. OH DEAR.

    Because the volunteers cannot touch the weeds a lot of rubbish was left, not their fault even though they draged huge amounts out, the problem lies deeper.

    Due to the river bed weeds that have been allowed to grow, ( out of hand ) huge amounts of silt are now collecting underneath it, this has NEVER happened along Barton path but is doing so now. And still no sign from the E.A.

    Yes the river is alot deeper than it used to be ( due to the weed and silt ) but it is not being looked after as it should be as under the MAIN RIVER STATUS.

    I was in there tonight and believe me it is not good. only the channels that run are free of silt and weed, ( small thin channels ). The silt is building up and the river is getting faster. The E.A thought it would wash it all away but that is not so.

    I will be in there again cutting the weeds again soon and to hell with the E.A.


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