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    News reaches me that there is some serious anxt in the corridors of power in Whitfield about this thread.

    I want to make it quite clear please, that David is posting on his own account and NOT on behalf of the Town Team, which as a body is grateful for the support given to it by DDC officers and relevant Councillors.

    The Kent online article mentions David as a member of the Town Team which is of course perfectly correct, but it sort of implies that he might be doing this with his TT hat on when in fact he is doing so himself as a concerned citizen.

    When the news reached me I did suggest again, as I have done on many occasions that if some official news can be released about the development plans it would certainly help to keep people like David under a bit more control. Sadly there seems to be no middle ground on this suggestion - between all out disclosure and respecting the commercial negotiations/details of the activities that DDC are indeed undertaking.

    The Town Team as a body have worked hard so far, and continue to work hard to try and deliver small things in the Town to make things better. I for one am very happy that there is a forum for David to vent his spleen, but I repeat, he is not doing it on the Team's behalf and therefore please do not taint it with any ungenerous thoughts some of you reading this appear to be developing.

    Thank you

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