Weekly drop-in meditation classes

30 April 2014 to 23 July 2014
Guided meditations and a talk on modern buddhism and how it can benefit you
OddFellow's Hall, Pencester Road, CT16 1BT
7:30pm to 9pm
Bookings will be taken, but are not expected to be necessary for this event
Jampel Buddhist Centre
01227 760955
Guided meditations and a talk on how all aspects of Buddhism can be applied practically to solve daily problems and help find pure and lasting happines.

No need to book in advance - simply register when you arrive. Everyone welcome.

The Benefits of Meditation
The benefits of training in meditation are, through sincerely training in meditation on the teachings given in this course you will attain spiritual realisations, which lead you to permanent liberation from all the sufferings of this life and countless future lives. There is no greater meaning than this. Even temporarily, whenever you experience problems, unpleasant feelings, depression or unhappiness you can solve these problems immediately by transforming your mind into peace through your meditation practice. The benefits of meditation are immeasurable.

The Benefits of Buddhist Teachings
The benefits of the teachings given in this course are, through sincerely practising these teachings you can solve your daily problems such as the problems of anger, attachment, jealousy and ignorance. You can maintain a peaceful mind all the time so that you will be happy all the time. You can maintain harmony and good relationships with your family, friends and others so that you can make others happy to. Especially you can make your human life very meaningful.

Buy a 4-Class discount card or pay £5 per class

For more info and to book online go to or call 01227 760955

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