The Front Page. - Copy 120 (Charlie's Radical Port Proposal, A Shirley leaves Chamber)

18 August 2010

Charlie Elphicke and the Radical Port Proposal.

It seems to be clear now that Port Privatisation is going ahead - the only question is which Port Privatisation plan to go for. In an Extraordinary Town Council meeting last night Conservative MP Charlie Elphicke laid out an idea that would almost qualify as a sound philosophy in the socialist revolutionary's handbook. A port privatisation plan that would allow the Port to be owned in trust by the people of Dover. Everyone could take part and everyone could be a shareholder, from as little as £10.

Charlie knows a thing or two about finance, being as I understand it, a former advisor on financial matters to none other than David Cameron himself. He has called on this considerable experience..has recently spoken to high flying financiers in 'The City' and it seems this idea could run. All funded by a Dovorian Bonds Issue which would allow us, the people, to buy the Port initially. He has also spoken to the Ferry companies and they seem keen to support the idea, none of them being terribly happy with the current regime at DHB. Charlie asks for support from all Dovorians for his Peoples Port Trust, irrespective of political allegiance, so that we can push this forward for the benefit of the town, rather than a sell off that would essentially benefit big business only.

" How can we do the best for this town?" asks Charlie." People dont want the Port sold off. People are not happy with the current proposal (from DHB) so it is essential that we the people put forward an alternative proposal to the Secretary of State before its too late"

Now its fair to say that not everyone warmed to Charlie's radical plan. Not least Bob Goldfield of DHB. As Charlie had a golden opportunity to speak before the council, it was felt fair to invite Bob G as well as the opposing force as it were. And forceful he was. In brusque mode and at times quivering with what appeared to be anger, he weighed into Charlie's plan with more than a hint of venom.

"I have been a businessman for 30 years" said Bob.." and know about money, and Mr Elphicke's economics are nonsense" That was Bob G's opening line and from that you can guess the tone. He attacked Charlie's recent column in the Dover Express, complaining that it was nothing short of "emotional blackmail " and "pushing all the emotional buttons". He went on to quote oceans of figures/statistics that the audience would not and did not know, nor did the councillors, to prove that Charlie's plan would not work.

The Dover Town Council's position on this is that they are against full privatisation of the Port of Dover, but if it has to be so, and it's beginning to look that way, then they insist on a series of safeguards to protect the town and community.

Picture above shows left Alan Sencicle sharing a smile with our Mayor Sue Jones who chaired last nights interesting meeting. Picture right shows Bob Goldfield chairman of DHB chatting with Cameron Macsween and others after the fray.Top shot has MP Charlie Elphicke chatting and mingling with assorted councillors and attendees after the meeting.
See the comments in the Members Club Forum under DTC's Extraordinary Meeting and other threads. If not a member leave your message below.Open to everyone. If you want to become a regular contributing member email me PaulB on

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Dover Chamber of Commerce Suffers Another Blow.

Yes indeed, the Chamber is quaking with the news that Alan Shirley, one of its most senior officers, often seen in a sidekick role with Cameron Macsween during those brief heady days, has called it a day. He has tendered his resignation with immediate effect. Mr Shirley has extensive business committments on the other side of the globe in both Singapore and Sydney, which is not surprising as he is originally from 'down under', and he will devote more time to those in the immediate future.

So quite a blow to Dover's recovery, when you think that three of the main players launched to the public last autumn have all fallen on their swords, if that's not too dramatic a term. The three I speak of are former President of the Chamber Cameron Macsween, who has stood down to answer legal matters pending, Roger Walkden who was or was not sacked as Business Support Manager, depending on who's side of the story you believe, and now leading business wizard Alan Shirley departs. Can the Chamber recover from the loss of all this expertise?

Alan has now asked to join Doverforum so that he comment further in the days to come...and of course we agreed.

He said "The reason that I now decide to comment is that I will shortly be traveling to Singapore and Sydney for a protracted period in order to concentrate on my business interests in those locations. I have therefore, for these personal reasons alone, tendered my resignation to the Board of Dover and District Chamber of Commerce."

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