The Front Page. - Copy 118 (Rural Idyll and seafront activity)

6 August 2010

Rural Idyll

We are a busy port. Right now we have thousands of tourists flooding through, some cramming the hotels while they wait to catch that ferry, and many just zipping through at great haste. How many of these continental bound fast flyers take time to ponder for a moment and think about Dover itself, and what it has to offer.

We have covered our particular inner town predicament, with regards tourists, thousands of times, but one gem often forgotten, is our delightful pastoral idyll, shown here and just a mile outside town. How many people would associate Dover with such rural wonders. Not many. Yet on our doorstep above the famous White Cliffs, we have rolling countryside in forty shades of gold and green and all totally beautiful. And as should be, populated with delightful country pubs to while away a hayseed hour or two.

The harvest pictures shown here are from our roving man with camera, tip top forumite Colin Pritchard

All at Sea!

But of course our proximity to the sea is well known. The fun picture left shows a young couple well and truly all at sea, all abroad on the briney blue....and gadzooks! they brought their own bed with them. Ooh I say! steady on!

Not an ideal way to cross the channel perhaps, as the thing would I suspect have limited bouyancy, even if you could muster up a couple of paddles, but this young couple had a lot of fun frollicking in the frothy surf on one of our few hot days recently.

And now with our newly designed seafront kicking into striking play, the place really has a new buzz down here on our superclean promenade. Yes, it's all go down here by the sea in Dover.

This picture and the one below are by yours truly PaulB.

Mover !

This is the biggest thing yours truly has ever seen afloat. It meandered very slowly down the channel on thursday evening. And what a sight!

I tried some earlier pictures but they were a tad grey due to the prevailing gloom.

But then hallelujah, the sun came through, and for a short while made the conditions so much better, and it bathed the beast in a heavenly light. Im sure I heard angels singing at that moment! Yes truly!

The vessel was a very very long way out so holding a camera steady at that distance was quite difficult.

Picture therefore not great but gives an idea of the sheer size of the thing.

It is obviously a drilling platform of some considerable size. A sea monster and no mistake. I could just make out Saipem 7000 written on the side of it. Update: Not a drilling platform at all but the worlds second biggest seagoing crane. Thanks to Howard for that one. Not a lot of people know that....well they do now!

Lets go for some wild speculation here...could it be returning from the Gulf of Mexico and heading for Libya to further the BP global experience !!? Maybe its even part of the Tony Hayward farewell remuneration package! Okay, okay, just a little jest there.....

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